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Sunday, December 22, 2019

good evening i am still around just alot going on last couple years
But im a planning on returning soon and ill explain whats been going on and share some quilting goodness with ya'll

Friday, April 7, 2017

New feel for life

Well I'm going to give a short story about this last year of my life and how it's changed 
For the last several years I've been suffering from depression for some Unapparent reason been on several different meds only to work for a short period of time I hated work I was tired all the time doctors said I have chronic fatigue syndrome yes it is a thing so now what they got no ideal apparently I have a chronic sinus infection I take a pill for on top of hypothyroidism 😲
Jump to June 2017 exhausted all my efforts all the ( energy giving potions ) I could find 
I turned to a great person I'd been following on social 
Now I'm getting into the game changer I joined beacbody about the time I started feeling bad just needs like minded people since I live in such a rural area going to a gym wasn't an option I didn't get a response from the free coach I picked so what's different now everything !!!
She suggested I try shakology its money back guarantee ok I'm not sure but I'm spending money on everything else by the end of that 30 day bag of gold I felt Amazing 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I hadn't felt that gin years jump ahead to august 9 on my 51 birthday I became a Beachbody coach part timefor life I just want everyone to feel this good 
Jumping ahead further my boss of 27 years passes away now I'm finding my way as a full time coach and can't wait to get up every day and spread the word 

if I still have followers 
I love you I'll be back 
and we'll talk later 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Hey hey hey !
Anyone remember that show ? Lol
Anyhow I'm transitioning 
I don't know if I shared and I'm not going back on my 51st bday I became a beachbody coach 
I was soo depressed and tired and seriously cried every frigging day to work and taking so much stuff why not try shakology 
Sure it's great 🙄🙄🙄 bla bla bla right!!
Well you know what 
I was wrong soooo wrong 
I friggin stockpile it I feel amazing and the programs are so wheel put together 
But my boys been sick for a month
He's better 👇🏼his cat loves him

 hey I 
Can't remember how to use this program 

I apparently have ITB again so rolling it is 
Or I go back to the chiropractor 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Big stars and little houses

Getting the binding on my big stare raffle quilt

Working and working on my villages quilt

 Making little houses still

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New babies

Meet griffin my new great nephew

Certainly adorable

Certainly got some amazing sunrises

But no grandson 

Until two days after we got home 
I'm sure I'll have pics soon sorry
Am working on a few more houses in my spare time lol
And starting my big stars after basting is done 
Have a great day 
Talk later 